Keeping Your Baby Warm Outside


It’s no secret a little fresh air does a lot of good for you and your baby. Getting outdoors each day, even for a brief walk, provides an opportunity for you and your baby to have a change of scenery and gives your baby a fresh perspective on her world.

In the winter months, it’s important to dress you baby appropriately so she’ll be warm enough to safely enjoy her adventure.

When heading outdoors in the cold, be sure to follow these tips:

·         Dress your baby in one extra layer of clothing than you are wearing outside. 

·         Dress your baby in layers.  Several thin layers of clothing will keep her warm and dry. Consider putting her in a cotton one-piece undershirt; thick socks; a thermal shirt or turtleneck; and a fleece top or sweater. You’ll also want to put on a hat and mittens to keep her warm. You also may wish to dress her in a bunting bag or snowsuit for added warmth. Be sure to keep a close eye on your baby to ensure she doesn’t overheat.

·         Use a footmuff in her stroller to keep her warm. Footmuffs are a great alternative to blankets because they don’t fall off and provide great coverage. If it’s windy, if your stroller came with a plastic wind shield, consider using it.

If the weather feels super cold to you, it may in fact be too cold for your baby. Since the wind can significantly affect how cold it feels, you’ll want to take that into consideration when planning your outing. In very cold weather (under 30 degrees F), it may be a good idea to only take your infant out when necessary. Ask your baby’s pediatrician for guidelines on what temperature it is safe to take your baby out.


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